Ron’s Articles

Sensible Landscaping

August 2006

As a response to the current drought conditions, the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) initiated its Water Conservation and Drought Plan to extend the current water supplies. NTMWD worked with Member Cities and customers to develop the Model Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans to reduce water consumption and make current supplies last longer.

You’re no doubt subject to water restrictions - and trying to comply. But, studies prove that restrictions actually cause us to use more water. Suppose watering is allowed only one day a week. Most people water excessively that day. Let’s say it rains big time on Tuesday and your day is Thursday. Do you forgo watering? I doubt it.

I sit in on board meetings of several water districts. I ask, “Why do we wait til June to instigate water conservation measures?” We need education year round. And, we need a long-term approach. There isn’t enough water today. As the population escalates the scarcity will be more severe.

Effective water use in landscaping is a three part process:

  • Proper design
  • Responsible maintenance
  • Wise watering


Setting an Example
Highway medianWhy do Tex DOT, counties and cities still landscape highway medians with turf? Why not use basalt or granite with stones and yuccas and other native plants?

Turf produces oxygen and reduces dust and solar glare. So, it has a place. But that’s not beside thousands of miles of highway. And that strip between the street and sidewalk isn’t turf-suited either. The best sprinkler system inevitably wastes water on the sidewalk and street.

But we still haven’t changed our landscape guidelines. We tell people, “Landscape your yards. Oh, by the way, you can’t water.”

Landscape to suit your lot. Assess elevation, orientation, sun and shade, dry and wet areas and drainage patterns. Consider plant sizes - now and at maturity. Then lay out a plan. It’s a good idea to plant deciduous shade trees on the south and west for shade in the summer and sunshine in the winter. Consulting a professional could save you lots of money and grief.

Hydrazone - group plants with similar water needs so you can provide the right amount of water to each cluster. Water needs should be a prime consideration when you purchase plants.

Watch your plants during the hot summer. Should some be transplanted? Fall is the best time for that. Plants have all winter to establish strong root systems, thus requiring less water next summer.


The only responsible way to maintain landscaping is organically. If officials were serious about conserving water they’d ban synthetic fertilizers. They burn carbon and humus in the soil and destroy soil biota - the microscopic flora and fauna essential to soil health. And, they’re high in salt. Water is attracted to salt, so it moves out of plants into the fertilized soil. It takes even more water to keep plants turgid.

AerationYou should aerate your soil annually and top dress with compost at a cubic yard per 1,000 sq ft. This makes soil 30% to 50% more efficient at absorbing water - sustainable with half the water. It reduces herbicide and pesticide runoff into our water supply because the turf is more disease and insect resistant. And on humid days, humus and carbon pull moisture out of the air and into the soil.

Most cities make compost, but don’t push its use. How about incentives? I’d love this notice in my water bill.
“Top dress your lawn with compost and get a $50 break on your next water bill. Pick up your compost free of charge at the city compost facility.”

Because Austin has terrible watershed pollution problems, Texas A&M studied 9 different fertilizers. They concluded that certified organic and other natural fertilizers outperform synthetics on both appearance and pollution prevention.

Mulch reduces evaporation, moderates soil temperature, improves water penetration and helps control weeds that compete for water. Apply 2 to 4-inches of mulch around all plants. More is a waste.

Tall grass has deeper roots so it needs less water. Set your mower to 3-inches. Mow when your grass reaches 4½-inches. Sharpen the mower blade. Dull blades harm the grass inviting insects and disease. Mulch the clippings and leave them on the turf to reduce weeds by up to 60% and increase soil biota. Alternate your pattern every mowing to minimize compaction. Water runs off of compacted soil.


Water 1-inch per week.Aim for 1-inch of water a week. Over watering invites disease. Sprinkler systems should be designed with beds and turf on different zones. Program your system with sun, shade and the types of plants in mind.

Water straight from a hose hits the soil at 30 lbs pressure or more causing serious compaction. Always use a watering wand. As the little droplets move through the air they pick up oxygen and nitrogen delivering it to the soil.

Let’s give a water bill rebate to those who have their sprinkler systems inspected by a certified irrigation specialist.

The cost of water will increase. Taking these three steps to water conservation now is money in the bank. I hope the authorities will see the light - abandon the short-sighted restrictions and encourage us to take the steps toward water efficiency over the long run. It’s time our government officials look to nature for their answers. If your water officials are short-sighted a copy of this article may help.